I don’t really understand how, but I feel so much better since our first appointment
I was operating at a 1/10 and I’ve been struggling for a few weeks. Anyway, I already feel like I’m almost back to an 8 or 9 /10 after just one session
New Relationship – December 2020
Your help … has got me over some obstacles that were looking insurmountable

Divorcee – October 2020
Thank you so much for all your help over the last months, it has really been invaluable and got me over some obstacles that were looking insurmountable. I feel so much more empowered over my responses to things now and in turn that’s reaping benefits. I hope it will last but feel more confident than usual that it will. I will miss our conversations even if I don’t “need” them as such
Take a leap of faith and try it because you won’t ever look back

Recently separated – July 2020
I was sceptical about therapy. I didn’t think it would work or that anyone could tell me anything I didn’t already know about my own emotions. I reached out in more desperation than hope and I am so pleased I did. This had such a positive impact on my wellbeing from the very 1st session
Helen is magnificent. Together we focused on the job in hand without a need to cross into unnecessary areas, yet I could put her theories into practice across all aspects of my life to benefit. Helen’s kindness immediately put me at ease and I surprised myself with how much value I took from each session.
Having been through the process I honestly believe everyone should have therapy and everyone would benefit … Even if you think it’s a load of rubbish, or you are nervous you definitely need to just take a leap of faith and try it because you won’t ever look back!
This was a life changing experience like you read about in books!
Married woman
At my first session I was nearly in hysterics, panicking that I was not measuring up to any of life’s standards. My sex life, my love life and indeed my life was in tatters. The sessions with Helen not only improved the areas that I thought I needed help with, they went to my core. I walked out of the final session more whole than I have ever felt in my adult life. At last I was equipped with the self confidence to really blossom and grow
I feel comfortable in my skin for the first time in years
Separating couple
I cannot thank you enough for your advice and care. … For now, my heart is clear and open, and that’s all we can really ask for I think, to move forward in life
The most intriguing and insightful experience of my life
Individual male
I would say my time with you has been the most intriguing and insightful experience of my life. It’s opened up a new world to me that I’ll encourage others to look into as well
At the start I was quite sceptical, but I’m a complete advocate of ‘being love curious’ now
Single male
I’d go so far as to say it’s a good thing even if there is no problem as such. It’s a great opportunity to talk with someone who is completely neutral and non-judgmental and be challenged about the way you think about people and relationships
I think I’m finally living the life I imagined!
Married woman
Thank you!
I am still feeling the huge impact from our sessions
Married woman
I am using the power of my awakening like magic and slowly going through different areas of my life, tentatively touching each area with new clarity and letting it transform. The process is slow but really joyous
My attitude to sex has completely changed
Single woman
I used to think it was always going to be disastrous, but now I have hope that I can have a satisfying and enjoyable sex life. I’ve learned to relax a lot more and not be so bossy, so it’s a lot easier for someone to be spontaneous and more relaxed with me
The counselling was like finding the all important safety valve for our relationship
Engaged couple
We found Helen at a time when our relationship had hit a very difficult and challenging time. [This was] an opportunity to air issues jointly in a space that felt both safe and focused on resolution. Helen’s approach to couple therapy is both fair and compassionate providing you with a neutral space to work out how to take your relationship forward in a more positive direction
I’m more open to finding real love than I’ve ever been
Single woman
I started seeing Helen at a very stuck stage of my relationship. I was confused because I was unhappy in what seemed like it should be a perfect relationship. She listened to all my cries without judgement after which she would ask simple questions that led me to an unshakeable clarity about the next steps for me. Without ever being told what I needed to do it was so clear that I had to find the courage to leave what was comfortable and familiar and follow my heart to find what will make me happy!
I very quickly saw how I was letting everyone in my life walk all over me
Helen asked me one question and it opened up the whole thing! I was respecting everyone else’s needs so much, I forgot about my own. I was like it with my ex-husband, my children, my boss and as soon as I saw that I decided I needed to put some boundaries in place and get my self-respect back so I can be sunny, smiley, shining Sarah again
The overall process has been absolutely brilliant!
Married couple
All of a sudden everything clicks into place and when you can see the full circle, all the work we’ve been doing over these few weeks makes complete sense. I’ve had what I thought were good and bad sessions, and sometimes I’ve felt down and very reflective, but in retrospect I feel there’s never been a bad session because it’s all been extremely helpful
I’m now looking for a grown-up relationship with someone who wants the same things as me
Separated LGBTQ relationship
I split up with my ex- a few months ago. She left me, and I would have done anything to get back with her. I thought that the problems in our relationship were all my fault and if I could just prove myself to her she would take me back. [The sessions] helped me to see how I’d built my whole world around her and lost myself in the process. I went from thinking my ex- was perfect and I didn’t deserve her, to realising we didn’t want the same things in life at all. I moved on quite quickly after that
It was like a small miracle!
Married woman
I was so resigned about my marriage when I met Helen. I’d reached the point of thinking this was a last resort. I really believed “there’s no point to this, nothing will ever change; he will never change”. And then the penny dropped! I realised that if I wanted a different kind of relationship, it was largely down to me. I stopped expecting my partner to be a mind-reader, and tried telling him what I wanted instead. It was like a small miracle! We stopped arguing over the small stuff and things are just so much better than they’ve been for a long time
All testimonials are from genuine clients of BeLoveCurious or the Founder’s private practice. They have been freely provided and are shown with permission.

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